Monday, June 29, 2015

Sewing with Grade 1 and 2

These little beauties took us all term to create and I am really surprised by the outcomes.
I'm ashamed to say that I have never dome sewing with my students ever until this point. I came to the recreational recently that I really need to. Sooooo I gave it a go and the results were very surprising. We started off looking at the textures of  different materials and what they thought they might be used for. We then looked at hessian and how it is put together. The student experimented with pulling threads, gathering, creating holes and weaving into a piece of hessian.

We then moved on to sewing a pattern onto a piece of hessian using a running stitch and wool. They had a go at a straight line, a zigzag line, a wavy line and a circle.

They then moved on to hemming their piece of hessian also using a running stitch.

To finish off their pillow they used and overcast stitch. Some of the boys made puppets instead of a pillow which was a great idea! The early finishers has a try at sewing buttons as well.

To say I am surprised by their sewing skills is an understatement. Some of the stitching would put an adult to shame. I will be doing sewing with every level once a year from now on.

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