Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Around the World

Its a well know fact that I never do Christmas (or use glitter!) in my classes. I'm not a scrooge I just never seem to get around to it. It sneaks up on me and then it's too late. SO this year I decided to embrace Christmas wholeheartedly and look at Christmas traditions around the world for inspiration for our art making.

Level two students learnt about Saint Lucia in Netherlands and created a crown of Candles.
They also made Indian oil burning candles, learnt that the Christmas tree originated in Germany and the significance of the Poinsettia to Mexican Christmas traditions.

We also read many Christmas stories and got in the spirit very very early. It was a fun term. I learnt many things about Christmas I did no know and will try harder to incorporate Christmas into my classes in the years to come. The students LOVE Christmas so it will be hard not to.

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