Friday, August 10, 2012

Fierce or friendly cats

This idea came from a comment made by one of the Prep teachers that students showed a lack of vocabulary in relation to textures. I thought this would be a good theme for Term 3. We began looking at 'Gregorys Magic Line' and experimented with drawing different types of lines with different mediums. This then led into the activity 'Fierce or Friendly?'

Students studied the way that artists represent cats and how they show their temperament by the types of lines they use to draw them. They then completed an activity where they made a cat surprise where they had to draw clues in the form of lines and marks on the front of a folded piece of paper to show what kind of cat resided inside. They loved the fact that is was a secret and majority of students really grasped the concept and created some amazing lines to describe their cat inside.

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