Monday, November 16, 2015

All about line with Grade 1 and 2

For Term 3 we completely focused on line. Just because I love line and everything you can do with a line. We used as many different mediums as we could and pushed the idea of line and how you can create an artwork using line. They used many different skills and mediums during the term. It was a very productive term.

Drawing lines to represent music

 Cutting lines

Repetitive lines

Woven lines 

Cut line hanging sculptures

Anime with Grade 5 and 6

Term Three saw us study Anime for the first time. This came with an extreme love affair that some of our students have with Anime and Manga. It was a really excellent term of work. Once they had learnt to basics of how to draw Anime characters they then had to design a movie poster with a specific target audience.

Once they were done they then made a self portrait in Anime style to sell at the school fete.

Starry Night with Foundation

There is not many activities I do twice but this one I love and I do it every year. During Term Four every year I study Masterpieces Foundation (Prep) style. We have started with Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night. They get better every year.