Sunday, October 13, 2013

Aboriginal art with Level 3

This term Level 3 students studied Aboriginal art from around Australia. We looked at the art of Maringka Baker, Jungala Kris as well as Craig Koomeeta. I was also very inspired by an activity found on Use Your Coloured Pencils found here looking at desert weavers and their amazing woven and wrapped sculptures. We are planning an exhibition of their favourite work from the term which they are very excited about.
I introduced the students to paintings from my private collection which inspired them to create their paintings. We focused on patterns and symbols for their paintings.

The art from the Tjanpi desert weavers inspired the following sculptures of Australian native animals.



The scultpures of Carig Koomeeta inspired the students to create clay animal sculptures focusing on form, traditional colours and patterns


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Play based learning - Arts Elements with the Preps

This term Level 1 students were introduced to the art elements line, colour, shape, and texture. In line with our schools implementation of the Kathy Walker Learning Approach I have attempted this term to approach the teaching and learning of Art in a similar way.

Every two weeks the students were introduced to an art element where we read a book and had a class discussion on the topic. They were then presented with four different learning stations where they could experiment using different mediums and in their own time and own way exploring the art element in focus.

They were free to move from one station to the next or stay at one if they felt like it. The outcomes were truly fantastic and I believe they learn much more from this approach then if I presented them with one activity only which they all had to do. This approach allowed students to explore a topic but in a way that appealed to them and kept them engaged.

Although very labour intensive for me in terms of setting up the activities and then taking them away as well as compiling their books at the end of the term, I was so excited and impressed by their outcomes.