Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Recycled stamps

Sticking with our theme of recycled art, students made stamps from styrofoam trays and bottle tops and used them to construct Mothers Day cards. Tutorial found here. It was an unexpected success and the students enjoyed being able to make something and use it straight away. They enjoyed this project alot.

Term colour study by Preps

We began this term by reading 'Mouse paint' by Ellen Stoll Walsh. Exploring and discussing primary colours and what colours we can create by mixing the primary colours together.

We then completed a mouse paint colour mixing activity.

We then watched the fanstic music video by Ok Go on Sesame Street.

The next lesson we listened and watched the beauiful song about colours by Kira Willey

and then we painted our first colour wheel...

We then discussed how colours can be used to express and communicate feelings and emotions in the way theyare used in art. We talking about which cikours woudl fit different emotional states. The students then completed three draings using the primary colours and were requested to draw the feeling that the primary colour could represent.

The students were then introduced to secondary colours through the colour wheel and how they can compliment primary colours. We watched a fantastic animation which explains this very well.

After learning about complimentary colours the students practised this new found knowledge by drawing a picture of their choice but by only using complimentry colours with the paper colour and the oil pastel that they chose to use

To conclude this lesson I found this funny song about the colour green singing to red which summarised the whole thing nicely.

Collaborative shape mural

Continuing on with the shape theme Level 1 students created a collaborative shape mural inspried by the activity seen on  'Experiments in Art Education' blog seen here; http://experimentsinarteducation.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/collaborative-mural-painting.html

Shape collages

My term focus for Level 2 is shapes in conjunction with their classroom program. To begin I conducted some drawing lessons on how to draw 2D and 3D shapes.

The second activity for the unit was for students to create collage made only from shapes with the theme of the collage being their own choice.

Recycled magazine colour wheel

For this term the focus for Level 3 is recycled art. To begin the unit our first project was a colour wheel made from recycled magazine pictures.

Archibald Prize inspired unit 2

Our second portrait project involved students tracing their school photos onto transperancy film with permanent markers and painting them with white paint. The result is a cartoon-like self portrait. A very easy way of making a great portrait.

Archibald Prize inspired portrait unit

To begin this unit students undertook a brief research project on the finalists and winner of the 2012 Archibald Prize. They worked in pairs and researched and completed questions and individual practical assignments to do with a specific artwork. They then shared what knowledge they had aquired with the rest of the class so all students learnt about many artworks in a short period of time.

We decided it may be fun to plan our own version of the Archibald appropriatley called the 'Manchibald prize'.

Students would complete various types of portraits over the term and choose their favourite one to enter into the prize.

The first portrait project was inspired by John Olsen and saw students painting a portrait of a peer using ink and white paint on newspaper.